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What People Are Saying

"I have experienced profound loss and Joann's words are a balm. It's like sitting down with a dear girlfriend over a cup of coffee or a glass of wine. Her discussion of grief, from her own personal experience, is priceless advice ("Your grief is separate from guilt, and is beautiful." and "...a widow experiencing grief is not a pathology."). This book not only help widows process their grief and other emotions, it provides a hopeful path forward that honors the whole of who we are as human beings, messy emotions and all. If you are a widow, let Joann show you the way!"

~Karen C.L. Anderson, "The Peaceful Daughter's Guide to Separating From a Difficult Mother"

"It seems as if this book was written with the author's heart in every page. She writes with such warmth, honesty, courage, love, and poignancy"


"I have never read a book where the pure heart of the author comes through the written words. I already cried reading the introduction. this is the most heartfelt, Honest Lovingly put together book to Help us all through not just Widowhood but Life with its trials and tribulations. IF you read this book , you will be giving yourself a gift. The gift of Love."
